The home for your signals.
Our platform is dedicated to moving signals around your teams and getting people connected. No more scrubbing through channels and clicking through boards. All the key moments are here and at your fingertips.

A platform for modern teams.
The world of work has changed forever. Teams are learning how to be remote, async and high autonomy, but our collaboration tools have stayed the same. We're building for this new world, starting with signals.
For the proactive
Let's not hesitate. Get the signal out there while it's fresh and help it to start working for you.
For the direct
Updates don't have to be a management thing, everyone should have the power to do it.
For the candid
We need to communicate the good and the bad. Long-term success is based on shared truths.
For the transparent
Transparency drives understanding and empathy, which leads to a supportive and collaborative culture.
For the curious
We make better moves when we're aware of what's happening in and around our teams.
For the connected
When we feel aligned with our work, team, and company magic things happen.
We take the hassle out of sharing.
Sharing frequent signals is low effort and stress free.
You don't need to worry about what platform, channel or board. Some key details and we'll get it where it needs to go.
Message and type: You can use markdown to format your message and mentions to bring attention to the signal.
Projects and teams (optional): These help to organise signals, but not everything needs to belong to them. We remember your last used teams and projects.
Signposts (optional): This is where to go for more information, which means you can leave the detail out of your signal and avoid repeating yourself.

We'll show you busy, not noisy.
Busy is good! We want to feel the bustle of active teams. But you also want to quickly get the information you need. With Waggle that power is in your hands.
An easy to browse feed.
Signals are visually distinct, helping you to spot those that mean the most to you.

With powerful filters.
If you know what you're looking for, the filters will help you find it in no time.

By person, team and project.
See the full story of a person, team or project through the signals they have shared.

Or just what you missed.
Quickly catch up on your signals, those you're watching and any new mentions.

We help you make connections.
We signal to share information, to call for help, to start a discussion. Waggle makes it easy to respond to a signal and take the next step.
Let the author know their signal is now in your head.
Tell the rest of the team there's something important here.
Drop a quick message to get the connection started.
Follow signposts to find further information or join a conversation.
Send links or share directly to channels in integrated platforms.
Blockers and flags can be marked as resolved to lower the urgency.
We'll form new, healthy habits.
Introducing a new tool requires new habits. That's why we integrate with Slack (more coming soon!) to let you know when to visit Waggle, and when you don't need to.
We give you full control of when and what you're notified on.
Inbox state: We'll let you know how many notifications you have in your inbox, and how many of them are the result of mentions.
New signals in your area: This is a summary of new signals posted by or mentioning you, your teams or projects.
Gentle nudge: If you haven't posted since we last checked, we'll send over a gentle reminder.

Together we can get your signals noticed.
We want signals to be easy to find and impactful, so we need to get you signalling early, clearly and openly. Here is how we can do it when your signals have a proper home.
Don't hesitate to signal.
When you feel the moment, share. Waiting for the next meeting increases the chances of it being forgotten, and it definitely can't start working for you.
Lift signals above the noise.
We can't put signals where it's noisy and expect our colleagues to find them - they need a dedicated home. Waggle uses amplification to then lift them even further.
Communicate out, not up.
Peer to peer signals are super powerful. Sending messages up and down the team structures runs the risk of them losing context or being lost altogether.
Keep things organised.
We're bringing together high value info here, but we still want to be able to work with it. Find a home that can handle the activity and still find you what you need.
"Signals are really important to the smooth running of connected teams - so they need some special attention. I don’t know of a platform that pays them as much attention as Waggle does."
Mike Jongbloet
Product Designer
For the revolutionary.
The future of work is here. Remote, async and high-autonomy workplaces are a great way to attract top talent, but the secret to success is keeping talent as connected as an in-office team. Figure that out and you'll be part of the next big movement in collaboration.
Join the revolution